Expected and Achieved Results

On this page you can find the project's expected and achieved results (deliverables).

WP1 Project Management and Coordination

Expected / Achieved results:

D1.1 – Quality management and knowledge management plan
D1.2 – Data Management Plan
D1.3 – Annual reporting for the Clean Hydrogen JU – M15
D1.4 – Midterm publishable summary report
D1.5 – Annual reporting for the Clean Hydrogen JU – M27
D1.6 – Annual reporting for the Clean Hydrogen JU – M39
D1.7 – Final publishable summary report

WP2 Redox-Mediators

Expected / Achieved results:

D2.1 – Theoretical calculations
D2.2 – Synthesis of mediators
D2.3 – Large scale synthesis of mediators


WP3 Bipolar Membrane

Expected / Achieved results:

D3.1 – Fluorine-free PEM and PEI
D3.2 – Fluorine and CRM free BPM
D3.3 – Long-term performance and characterization

WP4 Electrode design and optimization

Expected / Achieved results:

D4.1 – Charge transfer kinetics
D4.2 – Optimal electrode design
D4.3 – Electrode fabrication and delivery for WP5 and WP6

WP5 Single cell REDHy prototype development and validation

Expected / Achieved results:

D5.1 – Heterogeneous catalysts development
D5.2 – Heterogeneous catalysts scaling-up
D5.3 – MEA engineering for zero-gap cell
D5.4 – Performance and stability of the water electrolysis single cell-prototype

WP6 REDHy System

Expected / Achieved results:

D6.1 – Design of novel REDHy Stack
D6.2 – REDHy System
D6.3 – Performance of REDHy System
D6.4 – Long-term stability of REDHy system

WP7 Life Cycle and Technoeconomical Assessment

Expected / Achieved results:

D7.1 – Preliminary LCA of REDHy system
D7.2 – TEA of REDHy system
D7.3 – Integrated environmental and techno-economic assessment of the scaled up technology

WP8 Dissemination and Exploitation

Expected / Achieved results:

D8.1 – Project’s corporate identity
D8.2 – Plan for DEC activities
D8.3 – Updated plan for exploitation
D8.4 – Final exploitation plan

Project progress

© 2023 REDHy

The project is co-funded by the European Union and supported by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its members. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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