Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Organisation Introduction
The Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt -DLR) in Stuttgart, with further research facilities in Cologne, Ulm, Oldenburg and Hamburg, does research in the field of efficient energy storage systems that conserve natural resources, and next generation energy conversion technologies with a staff of 270 scientific and technical employees, engineers and doctoral candidates. The spectrum of activities ranges from theoretical studies to laboratory work for basic research and to the operation of pilot plants. These experimental and theoretical studies are accompanied by systems analysis studies to analyse the associated technological, environmental and economic potential and situate it in a larger overall context of the energy economy by means of scenarios.
A tight network with the University of Stuttgart -especially with the Institute of Energy Storage- and with the Helmholtz Institute Ulm at the University of Ulm is existing.
In order to be able to supply ourselves with renewable energies from sun and wind in the future, we also need electrochemical storage systems. These include batteries, fuel cells and electrolyzers. Scientifically or technically, the challenge of electrochemical energy storage is to find solutions to eliminate the trade-offs between efficiency, operating time, comfort, safety and cost. The REDHy project tackles these trade-offs by a innovative new technology and thus is perfectly aligned with our mission.
What in REDHy?
DLR is coordination the REDHy project and will contribute with the design of advanced cell concepts for higher power density, longer durability, reduced materials cost and superior robustness of cell. Also in-situ and ex-situ investigation of cells and materials with innovative diagnostics will lead to a better understanding of this new innovative technology.

“The REDHy project helps to shape the hydrogen future with a CRM-free, highly-efficient and safe new technology.”