“I’m an energy engineer. Since I was studying, alongside performance, I always wanted to delve deeper into the environmental and social effects of our technologies. After graduation, I worked for 3 years as a researcher at the National Research Council of Italy, to gain competences on sustainability assessment within the industrial sector. After this experience, I moved to De Nora to apply my competences, towards a deeper integration of sustainability principles within the company. De Nora has a pivotal role in the industrial green hydrogen production chain and I’ve started my journey with the company by focusing on the alkaline water electrolysis. In this way, I could combine both my background in energy engineering and the my competences on sustainability assessments.”
What was your original motivation to become a researcher/project manager?
“I wanted to know more on what sustainability is, how it can be practically measured and which contribution research could provide to our society.”
What is your (main) research area today?
“Within De Nora, I’m in charge for Life cycle assessments and circularity assessment of the company’s product portfolio, together with developing sustainability guidelines for product development. In particular, I’m leading one of the key initiatives of De Nora’s ESG plan, which is related to designing sustainability assessment scorecards for products, which will enable us to raise awareness on the market about the environmental sustainability of our products.”
What is the main focus of your team in REDHy?
“My team will be dedicated to carrying out a Life Cycle Assessment, coupled with a techno-economic and circularity assessment of REDHY technology. This assessment will be based on a data collected from other partners, related to consumptions and emissions associated to the technology. It will be both carried out in the middle of the project, to inform partners soon during the design phase, and at the end of the project.”
Could you describe your favourite moment/satisfaction when working for the project and – more in general – for your organisation?
“I’m looking for challenging my own point of view by working with colleagues with very different backgrounds. I’m proud of having multidisciplinary collaborations, which give me the opportunity to share my expertise while learning from my colleagues’ skills and backgrounds.
How do you expect REDHy results will affect your organisation and the energy storage sector?
“The REDhy-project will help De Nora’s mission to continue scouting new technologies and to keep alive the network with European R&D institutes and partners. I expect that the energy sector will be greatly improved by researching into innovative approaches for green hydrogen generation.”
The project is co-funded by the European Union and supported by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its members. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.